Day 1: The beginning

I have always been bad with keeping track of things, from keys, to what I eat, to my workouts. Often, I lack motivation in the long term, and usually my resolve to eat better or to exercise harder usually falls along the wayside as malaise increases. In the spirit of New Year's I have resolved to change that.

The Plan

Diet - I will eat 1 year of completely healthy eating, outlined here. The exception here is being from Iowa/Wisconsin I will be drinking and eating dairy; mostly in terms of milk and soft cheese. As a poor, college student there will be some sacrifice with the restrictions as well, in terms of not being able to afford fine grass-fed meats. I will try to record what I each per day, in quality and quantity.


I am presently in a strength gaining phase of my exercise regime, focusing on barbell lifting and I will outline my lifting regiment everyday. More specifically (seen below),
Squat focus days will starts at 8x3 reps, transitioning to 8x1. Included, will be bench press at 4x4
Deadlift focus days will use 3x2 reps deadlift and shoulder press 4x4.

Sunday - Olympic Weightlifting
Monday - Barbell Lifting (Squat Focus)
Tuesday - Power Development and Sprinting
Wednesday - Rest Day/Recovery
Thursday - Barbell Lifting (Deadlift Focus)
Friday - Barbell Lifting (Squat Focus)
Saturday - Power Development

Current Stats:
Age: 22
Weight: 198.6
Deadlift: 485
Squat: 335
Bench: 255
500 m row: 1:33

So that's the basic scheme and maneuver, we'll see how it goes.